Friday, October 22, 2010

Somebody Totally Poojaed the ATM

It’s some sort of holiday right now in India. Not Diwali, but probably related somehow to that giant dance I was at on Saturday night. During this holiday, people perform “Poojas,” or basically blessings, on their stuff to make everything work right. This involves decorating whatever object you think needs a blessing thing with flowers and whatnot, putting some paint on it in various designs, and doing the blessing. Gas stations are all tricked out, with the owners performing Poojas on their pumps. Everybody’s doing this to their cars, too, so a lot of the cars and rickshaws have flowers all over the grill and stripes of paint (I assume temporary) on the sides. And giant leaves and stuff sticking out of them. Sanju suggested we Pooja her car, just to make sure it stays healthy. To me, this seems like the thing you do while totally drunk. “Let’s get blitzed and Pooja the hell out of your car.” A good alternative could be Poojaing her “geezer,” the hot water heater in the bathroom, only one of which is working right now. Or my iPod. But the best was when Sanju returned from an ATM to report that someone had done a Pooja on it. I guess somebody really wanted to make sure the money kept flowing. Either that or somebody’s just had some bad experiences with ATMs.

A few notes: I had some issues with the navigation here, so all of the previous posts, except the first, are showing up as being posted today. I deleted and reposted them. I think there may have been some time zone issues or something. Also, I'm sorta backlogged on posts, so there'll be some posts in the near future that are from my first few days, even if they're just now being posted.


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